Saturday, June 19, 2010

What a Certain Moderator thinks about his online community

An exclusive view to the seedy underbelly of G.I. Joe fandom. Here's a direct communication between Sonny Lion and someone else:

I'm really not supposed to let this info out unless you are part of the msn crew. Death At Midnite is working on his own Joe Foto site and it's gonna be run TIGHTER than there and he'll be more anal about stuff. It was originally to be a back-up for the JD when things failed, but we decided we need a slightly 'smart' crowd in there.

Too many people here don't understand the concept of 'hosting' nor do they understand how to 'resize' their stuff. The boss here once wanted me to post a "RESIZE YOUR SHOTS" because it sucks up space. This isn't a wallpaper site and 80% of the OVERSIZED shots suck in that, "why would we want to scroll around your image to see how fuzzy it is?"

Death has plans but with having 2 marriage ceremonies, I don't know where he's at with the site. It'll be open to all IF they can deal with the rules. The original rules, while funny, were very jagged. BUT he comes from a programmer/cgi background and let's face, not enough sites are strict enough about stuff. Websites aren't a democracy and if you don't like, it, leave. It's no skin off anybody's back and it's not hard to let go, y'know?

Anyway, I actually forget the NAME of the site. Could be GIJOEPHOTOGRAPHY or DOn't bother looking for it, it's not up yet. I've seen the tests and I'll be boss. Well, one of the two. Don't think for a second that the malfunctions HERE would last as long as there. Death is building his own server too so he'll have control.

Just FYI and I'd appreciate you not passing that around till things are in better working order. That's why I hint. I've seen a lot of good people here not be able to do their thing (posting fotos and etc). Death wants to fix that.

Friday, June 18, 2010


What it do play-boi? It be Friday night ya'll! So we gots to saddle up and see where we gon be at 2nite.
Well ya'll know wut yo boy FF was thinkin'. So of course, after I gots outta my shower and gots my fresh gear on, my ass went straight to my homepage. the Chocolate City website.


As expected, the best gin joint in the city of Memfrica never fails to have yo night covered. Tonight is gonna be big.


I don't know wtf a grown and sexy lemonade party is, but I do know my night is straight now! I ain't gotz to worry 'bout shit now!

But wut really caught you boy FF's eye, was dat you can now reserve the City de Cocoa for yo own private birthday party!

Case and pint(whiskey please) .......

Your boy Marlon already RSVP'd for this event. I can't miss free Moet ALL night.

Now, ya'll cats might not know this but yo boy FF's birthday is 9 days from now. I think I have to do it city style. Chocolate City style.

There is nothing I can think of for a better birthday than having a "Bottles POPPIN'!!!, Grown and Sexy, Fireflyed blacktastic birthday.

I'll keep ya'll in the loop with the details.


And by blow, I mean they pissed me off by beating my classmate, Rajon Rondo, and the Celtics in the NBA championship. I'm no NBA Guru and I am not a Celtics fan, but I did let Rondo use my notes for an exam once, so I feel a little connection to my friend that I refer to as, "the black man with the biggest hands I have ever seen" or Rondo. Since LA won, lets have some fun.....

If Kobe was a joe, he would be........

Black Outself explanatory

If Pau Gasol was a joe, he would be.....

Why Wildcard you ask?
Well Pau Gasol looks like a homeless person.

True story, before I married my wife, I came down to Memphis to meet her family and at night(as college kids do) we would hit the bars. In true "Ben Roethlisberger" fashion, Pau(who was with the sad, sad Grizzles at the time) was at a college dive bar on the campus of the University of Memphis. Pau asked my wife(girlfriend at the time) to shoot pool with him. I was all for it.
Now, Rachel can play, but he still reached his orgre arms around her in an effort to "teach" her the game. I laughed and in true FF fashion, thought it was fucking hilarious. But then he tried to "take" her back to his "loft". #1 lofts are for gays. (No offense. I love gays. It's just a fact) #2 grabbing a girls wrist is not an invitation. But I digress, back to my main point. Fuck LA.

If RonRon was a joe......

He would be a crazy homeless lady.The man is insane. In a post game interview, he thanked his psychiatrist. He also has a new single about to drop.

Really RonRon, you just won the NBA championship and your main concern was mentioning you are trying to "drop" a single.

You Crazy Son.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Number One Good Guys!

My friend Fireflyed and myself are amongst the raddest G.I. Jerks in the community. I mean how else can Fireflyed get banned from every website ever if it wasn't for his mad customizing skills and the fact he's a #1 good guy.

It's probably because of Black Ripcord!